Thursday, March 24, 2011

In Memory of Anthony C. Ferriere

Uncle Anthony and me, Easter 2009

My wife's uncle, Anthony Ferriere, passed away yesterday after complications related to surgery for an aortic aneurysm repair. He was just shy of 80. He was an important presence in Linda's life, and in mine.

Above all things, Uncle Anthony loved his family. The simple qualities he shared with all of us - his generosity, positive outlook, and warmth - will be sorely missed.

In talking with him about his own life, he inspired me to think about my own roots and in large part, got me started again with the geneology research (started by my dad) that I'm addicted to now. I am grateful for his friendship and guidance.

Our family gatherings will never be the same. During those events, I enjoyed an occassional chess game with Uncle Anthony, and often, a martini. With every martini I ever drink, ever again, I will remember him with abiding love and deep respect. Cin-cin, Uncle Anthony.