Saturday, November 13, 2010

Photography and my Canon EOS-7D

If I am credited with any creativity whatsoever, I probably best express it in photography. My dad got me interested when I was a kid, because he was a newspaperman and early on, took his own photos to accompany the stories he'd write for the small Florida newspapers that employed him. He appreciated the value of a few measured words and a good picture to go with them, explaining perhaps, why he later became a copy editor. Maybe that's where my "minimalist" tendencies come from. "Never use ten words to express what you can adequately state in five." Same goes with pictures. Thanks, Dad. I miss you.

I took the picture below during our August 2010 visit with Missy in Las Vegas. It's in the Valley of Fire State Park, located on a road that goes north from the Interpretive Center, past "Mouse's Sink," to an overlook which we never even got to. If anyone actually reads this blog, give me a good title for it and I'll edit this post with whatever you come up with.

It's one of my favorites, gleaned from over several hundred I took during that week.

I bought my Canon EOS-7D a little over a year ago and, combined with the glass attached to it (Canon's 24-105mm f4 "L series" with IS) I appreciate its raw capabilities. I learn something cool about it everytime I use it, basically because it can do pretty much anything (including HD video). Great camera. I highly recommend it for those who have either signficant photography experience or lots of time to learn its functions. (I have some time).

Here's another from our Las Vegas trip, taken the same day as the above, but a little further down the road and later in the day, after we visited Lake Mead.

Creepy. I call it "The Mummy's Scream."

See any resemblance?

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